Friday, August 26, 2005

74 hours in Long Beach (Part 2)

August19, 11 p.m. (Los Angeles time): Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez was surprised with a WELCOME PARTY by the PAGLB at the residence of incoming president Pepe Palaganas (son of former Mayor of Urbiztondo Alfredo Palaganas). The vice mayor enjoyed the night with Pangasinenses in the Long Beach area. He then checked in at Holiday Inn Lakewood, where he occupied a suite. August 20, 9 a.m.: Breakfast at Russell’s Restaurant in Lakewood with Pepe Palaganas, Jojo Braganza, Manny Rabara and Paul Quinto. August 20, 7 p.m.: The vice mayor meets Carson City Council member Elito Santarina. At the dining room of his suite, US-based Pangasinenses gather and shared stories with the vice mayor after the PAGLB grand induction im the same hotel.


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