Thursday, September 15, 2005

Family first in Rotary

FAMILY FIRST in Rotary Imagine the ocean. Imagine the vast water in the ocean. Imagine a raindrop. Imagine one raindrop falling in the ocean. The raindrop is our life here on earth. The ocean shall be our life in eternity. Some people spend so much time in their earthly lifetime amassing wealth at all expense. Sacrificing the family, sacrificing morals, sacrificing principles, sacrificing faith. What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul to the devil for eternity? We are all LUCKY as Rotarians. Being members of an organization that has one thrust. Helping HUMANITY. The Rotary movement has been in existence for more than a hundred years now. It has served billions of people. Its greatest achievement is the eradication of polio through the POLIO PLUS PROGRAM. As of present, our Rotary Club has made an impact by giving Vitamin A drops to more than 9,000 students, courtesy of the Helen Keller Foundation through Rotary District 3790. Life is a gift from GOD. Let us take each day as an opportunity to help others. Tomorrow may never be. Jesus Christ is the example of supreme sacrifice we can give for humanity. Jesus Christ was a living example of what leadership is all about. Servant Leadership. Let the least among us be the first. Let the first among us be the least. Let us base our relationship with mutual respect to one another. Serving each other. The best form of character that I have seen in my lifetime is the character of a man to see every situation as an opportunity to be better. Looking at a glass as half full rather than half empty. Everything is based on the perception on how we see things. As Rotarians, we are trained on how we shall be able to see things, as how it could be, through our efforts of making a difference. LET OUR LIFE COUNT! Let us start with our family. Let us spend more time with the family. We want to create a better world. We want to create a better us. It is through our responsibility as parents that we are able to mould our children to the character of seeing things as how it could be. It is our image as parents that our children are able to see the beauty of life and the beauty of helping others. Let us be living examples of what Christ has taught us. Jesus Christ gave so much importance on the value of spending time with children and teaching our children the right values in life. Our role as parents is like the Rotary Family. The children represent the membership. The children must be trained to be future leaders armed with the proper tools to make a better world. Faith in GOD, Character, Education, Principle, Integrity, Values in Life. Come September 24, let us take the opportunity to understand the organization of the Rotary Community Corps. The Rotary Community Corps is a community based organization by a sponsoring Rotary Club which shall provide for the financial, technical expertise, market research, sustainable program for our less fortunate brothers. It is a way where the Rotary could give opportunities for people to improve their life. LET US ATTEND THE RCC at Oasis Hotel, San Fernando, La Union.


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