Friday, October 28, 2005

With Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr.

Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. stresses a point to ConCom Commissioner and Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez shortly after a meeting with educators at the Speaker's residence in Bonuan Binloc. The Speaker distributed computers to different schools in the district.

Bamboo cultural festival

ConCom Commissioner and Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez delivers a message during the Bamboo Cultural Festival Musikawayan IV held at the Dagupan City National High School. The event was sponsored by the UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines and the Philippine Society for Music Education, in cooperation with the City Schools Division of Dagupan, Metro Dagupan Culture and the Arts Council and the Dagupan City Government. During the opening program, Dr. Loreto C. Gloria, project manager of the UNESCO Bamboo Culture Festival, gave an overview of the Bamboo Culture Project. Former Sen. Letecia Ramos-Shahani was guest speaker. Mrs. Aurora Domingo, assistant schools division superintendent, and DCNHS principal Teodora Nabor welcomed the guests.

Binmaley town hall inauguration

Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. inaugurated the newly renovated Binmaley town hall. With the Speaker were his wife, Mrs. Gina de Venecia, Gov. Victor Agbayani, Rep. Amado Espino, ConCom Commissioner and Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez, Bayambang Mayor Leo de Vera, Calasiao Mayor Roy Macanlalay and other provincial officials. Binmaley Mayor Sammy Rosario welcomed all the guests to the ceremony.

City gov't says goodbye to Kansas medical team

ConCom Commissioner and Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez and Mayor Benjamin Lim led city government officials in formally thanking a medical team from Kansas, USA who conducted a three-day medical mission in Dagupan City. The city government tendered a farewell dinner at the Star Plaza Hotel last Thursday for the group, which was composed of Filipino and American physicians. The group not only treated indigent patients and distributed free medicines but donated medical equipment as well. The city government gifted the medical mission head Luz and Tony Racela a coffetable book "Nandaragupan", a plaque of appreciation to Bong Tumanut as project chairman, and tokens of appreciation to each member.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

GMA names VM Alvin as ConCom member

Dagupan City Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez was appointed Monday by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as member of the Consultative Commission to propose revisions to the 1987 Constitution. Presidential Management Staff chief Rigoberto Tiglao informed the vice mayor of his appointment in a message faxed to the city hall Wednesday. “I welcome my appointment and I thank President Arroyo for the trust and confidence,” Fernandez, who was nominated by the Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines (VMLP), said. Fernandez is the only vice mayor in the 50-member Commission, which is composed of prominent businessmen, constitutional experts, academicians, incumbent and former local officials and newspaper columnists. The Commission was created by Executive Order 453 on August 19, 2005 and is tasked to propose the revision of the 1987 Constitution to make it “more responsive, relevant, and competitive to inward and global changes.” A fund of P10 million has been allocated for the commission and will have to submit a report to the President at the end of the year. The executive branch would then submit a report for the scrutiny and approval of Congress. Fernandez, who ran unopposed in his second term in Dagupan City, is the VMLP national executive vice president and the president of the VMLP Pangasinan Chapter. He also sits as member of the national executive council of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines, which is the umbrella organization of all local government leagues in the country. An active civic and youth leader, Fernandez is now president of the Rotary Club of Dagupan.

TV Patrol interview

ABS-CBN TV Patrol reporter Mae Viray interviews Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez on his appointment as member of the Constitutional Commission to propose amendment to the 1987 Constitution.

At the Region 1 Medical Center

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez visits members of the medical mission from Kansas, USA at the operating room of the Region 1 Medical Center. The vice mayor also posed for posterity with other members of the mission beside a mobile clinic in the hospital compound. Dr. Jess Canto, R1MC medical director, welcomed the vice mayor.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

VM Alvin welcomes medical mission from Kansas, USA

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez, president of the Rotary Club Dagupan, welcomes members of a medical team from Kansas, USA, who are now in Dagupan City for a medical mission. The medical team will be examining indigent patients and distributing free medicines at the Region 1 Medical Center. The Rotary Club of Dagupan formally welcomed the guests the Rotary way. They were also treated to Filipino food at the Inn Asia Hotel and Restaurant.

At the Bautista-Reyes wedding in Pozorrubio

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez stands as one of the principal sponsors in the wedding of Jericho Bautista and Indhira Reyes, daughter of Pozorrubio Vice Mayor Rey Reyes. The vice mayor was with the province's leading political and business figures, such as Gov. Victor Agbayani and businessman Rosendo So. The reception was held at the imposing and scenic Patio Olympia in Urdaneta City.

VM Alvin hosts Fr. Lapus, SVD

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez tours visiting Spanish priest, Fr. Louie Lapus, SVD, to the different landmarks of Dagupan City. The vice mayor took Fr. Lapus to the Edades Hall of the Dagupan City Museum, to the old Home Economics Building of the West Central Elementary School, which was used by then US Gen. Douglas McArthur as headquarters during World War II, to the National Integrated Fisheries Technology Development Center of the Bureau of Fisheries and Natural Resources and other places. They also visited the vice mayor's residence, where Fr. Lapus was welcomed by Mrs. Katherine Fernandez.


Leadership is about leading, serving, loving. Leadership is pulling people, consolidating people, motivating people. A leader inspires people. A leader is eager to help and directs the group to a common vision. Leadership is making a difference; lifting up peoples hope and lifting the lives of others. It sees every situation as an opportunity to do good. It does not accept calamity as a tragedy but as an opportunity to re-do things and make it better. Having a vision and remaining steadfast until the vision is accomplished. It is not over until it is over. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. The race is not over until you have crossed the finish line. Go the DISTANCE… The Indiana 500 is a race where contestants are supposed to finish 500 laps. Whoever finishes the 500 laps first is the winner. Imagine 500 laps! It takes patience and determination to do this. It takes persistence and being steady in our goal. Leadership is inspiring people to move to the direction that was envisioned by the group. It entails serving, loving, sacrifice and accountability. The leader must monitor and must report periodically what have been accomplished so that the group knows where they are and what they need to do to reach their goal. This entails training for everyone. Sometimes, people do not know how to do the right things because they do not know what the right things are. Once people are trained to do the right things, they in turn must train others to do the right things. There has to be continuity in the activity for the betterment of humankind. Continuity and dedication are the secret for continuous development. A leader’s task is to ensure the continuity of progress. The continuity of progress is dependent on the training we give our youth. The usefulness of the training we give our youth is dependent on the VALUES that we teach them. The funny thing about values is that it cannot be taught in the classroom. It cannot be taught using words alone. Values are taught through inspiration. Inspiration is taught through modeling, taught through living examples. WE HAVE TO LIVE IT for the young to follow. Our country is perceived with a problem with graft and corruption. Are we happy with it? What examples have we shown our youth? Why does it seem that our problem with corruption never stops? If we are to change all our leaders now and replaced them with our youth, will we be sure that they shall go on the right path? What is the right path? Are our youth equipped with the skills necessary to go on the right way? What are the right tools? VALUES must be first! Set your priorities! Make a time table. A complacent leader is a dead leader. A leader must challenge the accepted norms and create new paths for betterment. The benefits from inventions we are reaping came from people who had the guts to break away from accepted beliefs. They are trailblazers and pioneers who had to sacrifice and invest on what is unsure in the hope that they will be able to create something new. The brave are people who are afraid of what might happen but are willing to face fear in the hope that they could do something better. A leader is someone who is willing to try and try and try and try and try. A leader is someone who is not afraid to fail. A leader is someone who accepts failure as if it were success. For life is a summation of success and failure. It is only through failures that we learn and appreciate the sweetness of victory. A leader understands the importance of remaining steadfast in the battle of being the first. A leader is assertive! He always thinks of what could be instead of what could have been had he tried! It is better to have tried and failed but LEARNED through the process, than not to have tried at all! Our challenge today is on how we could fight the greatest enemy in our country. We must fight and eradicate poverty. The solution has always been in front of us. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish and he lives for a day. Teach him to fish and he lives a lifetime.” It is how we bring light to others.It is how much we give an organization as students.It is how much we have helped others.If we care, we give everything.WE MUST see the needs of others.If we want to grow, we need to develop our younger generation of Filipinos. But did you know that our country is experiencing a problem with education in infrastructure and in the medium of teaching itself? How many of you are having difficulties with basic math? How many of you are having difficulties in science? EDUCATION for ALL is the solution to fight POVERTY. One fourth of the world population is uneducated. In the Philippines, POVERTY is the main enemy. We must address this by providing education. Our minimum basic solution must be to make our people LITERATE. Literacy has a difference with education. Literacy is simply training our people in CRITICAL Thinking. How many car accidents involving truck drivers, jeepney drivers, tricycle drivers and even private car drivers happen in our country? What could be the cause? Could it be that they were not taught proper road courtesy and safety? How do we teach them? Do we make them road-educated? Do we make them literate? As of present, Rotary International is promoting the Concentrated Language Encounter Program, where LITERACY is implemented through activity learning via group activities. It focuses on the activities in team-building workshops. A leader is responsible for the fate of the group. Any wrong decision affects the whole group. The path chosen by a leader, whether right or wrong, will decide the fate of the followers. Thus, leadership is a great responsibility. A leader cannot put his interest first over his followers. The lives of his followers depend on him. BENEVOLENCE, WISDOM, TRUSTWORTHINESS, COURAGE, DISCIPLINE! The characters of a leader are: generous, respectful, righteous, courteous, wise, analytical, trustworthy, disciplined, courageous, concerned, sees opportunity, fair to everyone, has good judgment. Judgment is not a matter of energy or intelligence but one of attention to details and thoroughness in investigation. Question by question, one can reach the bottom of the question and the root cause. Trustworthiness means that someone is credible, bankable. A leader must fulfill his word no matter what the cost. A trustworthy person is able to inspire willing obedience by putting himself in the shoes of another and be able to empathize with him. Understanding a follower is a key to understanding their needs. People have a common denominator in terms of basics needs, regardless of race and nationality, care and concern. A leader has to be kind to his people. This is shown in how he treats his subordinates. He fosters mutual understanding with his followers. He is familiar with who they are and he knows them personally. A leader must hold his people accountable and must manage on a clear system of reward and punishment according to the individual’s capability. Regulations and systems implementation must be strict and thorough. One must be conscious on the high standards from beginning to end. A leader must see to it that everything is done right. Every blessing comes from above. God has given us our blessings, God has chosen US to be blessed for he knows that the BLESSINGS must be given to generous people for them to spread and help people in need. It is our time to give back to GOD our blessings by helping our fellow Filipinos, our fellow Pangasinenses.When our time shall have come and we are to end our life in this world, we will never be sorry for not having accumulated more wealth, but rather we will be sorry for not having taken the opportunity to spend more time with our loved ones, for not having helped others when we had the opportunity to do so. In the end, we shall not be judged with the wealth we have accumulated but rather on the good we have done. Even when we are full of life, we can never find contentment on material things. As Blaise Paschal theorized, AS HUMANS, there will always be a GOD-shaped vacuum inside of us that only GOD can fill. The GOOD that we do to people is what GOD asks of us.Our purpose in life is to have a defined purpose of living: to LOVE and HELP people. Right now, we have with us the members of a US medical mission at the Region 1 Medical Center being conducted as SERVICE to Humanity. Serving and giving without expecting anything in return, except the fulfillment of just having done it and helping people in need. It is their sharing, caring, loving that makes them true leaders. With people like them, we are sure to have a better world. God has been good to them because He knows that they will be good to others. We are now living witness to this. They are sharing their blessings through their free service, their time in the Philippines and even spending for it. They are even planning on donating medical equipment. One might ask: “I just have enough to survive. Then, how could I make a difference?” All of us have blessings and the best blessing GOD has given us is TIME. Let us spend it wisely.We cannot keep it or rewind it. So use our days wisely, carefully and with inspiration for every moment because today shall never come back. Spend time with the family, spend time with GOD, spend time to helping others… LASTLY, IF YOU AIM TO BE A LEADER, YOU HAVE TO BE THE SERVANT. TRUE LEADERSHIP IS SERVANTHOOD. LET JESUS CHRIST BE OUR MODEL. HE SACRIFICED EVERYTHING TO SERVE AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE. A LEADER IS A SERVANT WHO HAS LEFT A LEGACY -- A LEGACY THAT IS LASTING; FOR THE BEST LEGACY A LEADER COULD GIVE IS THE LEGACY OF LASTING INSPIRATION. Inspiring others to help others see that the best way to live this very, very, very precious gift from GOD called LIFE is to engage in activities that count! Let us make a difference!!! Now.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

VM Alvin talks on leadership at PSU

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez talks on leadership during the Legislative Process, Fiscal Management, Values Formation & Leadership Seminar at the Pangasinan State University in Lingayen town, where he was a resource speaker. The Vice Mayor enumerated the qualities of a good leader and encouraged the students to always aim for the best.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Day of Winners

Members of the Dagupan City Police Station led by police chief, Supt. Edgar Basbas, present to Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez and members of the Sangguniang Panlungsod their trophies in the recently concluded 1st PSSupt. Allan Purisima Shootfest in Lingayen town, where the vice mayor himself won the LGU category of the competition. Also during the session, Dagupeno members of Team Philippines who saw action in the tae-kwon-do competition in South Korea, presented their medals to the Sangguniang Panlungsod. Another winner, a young swimmer, presented his winnings at the SP.

VM Alvin attends Rotary Zone Institute

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez, as president of the Rotary Club of Dagupan, led RCD members to the Rotary Zone Institute at the Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel in Manila Last Oct. 20-22, 2005. The Rotary Institute is a venue for fellowship of Rotarian leaders with their spouses. It allows Rotarians to get acquainted with each others' ideas and plans for the future of the organization. It establishes lines of communication, for every Rotarian to question and express his/her own individual views and ideas. The ideas shared and the plans formulated on these and other critical issues will substantially strengthen Rotary in the districts and worldwide. The RCD delegation had an opportunity to meet other Rotarian leaders in the country as well as in Asia, such as former Alaska State Senator Carolyn Jones, a Rotary International Trustee. They also had a chance to exchange views and pleasantries with Rotary International President Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammar.

Joint Declaration for Immediate Constitutional Reforms

October 20, 2005 Manila Hotel
The Majority Coalition of the House of Representatives and all the associations comprising the nationwide network of local officials under the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP) have agreed to launch a strategic coalition and partnership to bring about urgent political and economic reforms and a stable and vibrant representative democracy through constitutional reforms. To this end we have agreed, at this historic meeting today of our leaders and representatives, to declare as follows: 1. We believe that the prolonged crisis and its consequences and collateral effects pose a very serious threat to the integrity of the Philippine State and the safety of the Filipino people – and the publicly announced goal by authoritarians of the extreme Left and Right to bring down the duly-constituted Government and establish a ruling junta in its place have created a clear and present danger to the Philippine State. 2. We believe that this political crisis-and its reckless escalation into various plots by extremist forces to topple the President-is damaging the economy grievously by scaring foreign and local investments, damaging overall business confidence, and slowing economic growth to well below the average forecast for East Asian economies for 2005. 3. We believe this crisis and other structural defects of our presidential system can be met effectively through Charter reform, which has been the overwhelming sentiment of our local constituencies, civil society groups, business and industry leaders, professional associations and student organizations in our various forums and consultation meetings. 4. We believe in the urgent need to immediately shift the country to a parliamentary government and a unicameral legislature. The bicameral presidential system whose rising cost of elections, short election cycles, and built-in conflicts and gridlock in the separation of powers and check-and-balance between the Executive and the Legislative branches has hindered the country’s development and spawned poverty, homelessness, social inequality, inadequate social services and infrastructure development, two major rebellions fanned by social injustice and underdevelopment, heavy government indebtedness, and weak institutions that lead to ineffective governance. 5. We support the clamor for a shift from a unitary to a Federal System under a formula and a transition period acceptable to the local government units (LGUs). The transition period shall consider measures to save funds of the government for the economic development of the country. 6. We believe in greater, meaningful and genuine local autonomy to spur countryside development that can become the engine to propel national progress. We hold further that strengthening the existing local government structures is the key to ensuring fast and effective delivery of basic services. 7. We believe the parliamentary system makes for effective governance by fusing executive and legislative powers in the national parliament where the majority coalition or party elects the Prime Minister who will lead the government and its Cabinet. The parliamentary system has been mainly responsible for the rise of the parliamentary powers of Europe, and of Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and most recently India, to cite a few models in Asia, and in the south, Australia and New Zealand. The two pure presidential systems in Southeast Asia – the Philippines and Indonesia – are not by coincidence constantly bedeviled by political and economic crises. 8. We appreciate President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s assigning this shift to a parliamentary government and a Federal System acceptable to LGUs, the highest political priority and moral urgency- because it presents the single most fundamental change to strengthen our democracy and bring the Filipino people on the path to sustained economic development. 9. We urge Congress to determine immediately the most expeditious and least expensive mode of introducing specific amendments to the 1987 Constitution and submit these amendments to a national plebiscite, so that the country could begin the long march back into economic competitiveness with the vision of achieving comparable prosperity with our neighbors by 2015. 10. We believe that constitutional reform will lead to a strong party system by making political parties effective agencies of representative and responsive government, and by installing the primacy of a coherent program of government for electing the highest leaders of the nation. We also believe in putting in place equally important reforms, namely to raise the Commission on Elections beyond the reach of partisan politics, authorize public financing of qualified political parties, prohibit the perpetuation of political dynasties, and outlaw turncoatism to strengthen the strong political party system. 11. We declare that the term of the incumbent President must be respected. 12. We propose that the incumbent members of the Senate be named automatic members of the proposed new parliament as an option in the transition phase of the shift from presidential to parliamentary government. 13. We believe that the term limits for local officials and members of the Legislature or national parliament should be lifted, and the three-year term be changed to five (5) years, in keeping with the five year tenure of most parliamentary governments, to ensure that locally-initiated development programs are fully sustained. We believe that holding elections once every five years under this proposal will undo the cycle of costly elections that have become among the root causes of corruption. 14. We support the constitutional provision ordaining that LGUs shall have a just share, as determined by law, in all national taxes and customs duties which shall be automatically released to them without further need of appropriation by the Parliament. This way, local autonomy can be enhanced. 15. We agree to maintain the political subdivisions such as the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, the provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays in the new system of government. 16. We support constitutional economic reforms that would enhance the national interest and accelerate the progress of the country. 17. We commit ourselves to continue to work together, unremittingly, to pursue Charter reforms and to complete the whole process including ratification in a national plebiscite within the soonest possible time; and 18. This Joint Declaration shall take effect immediately. Done in Manila on 20 October 2005, and signed jointly by the leaders of the parties in the coalition.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bombo Radyo visit

Bombo Radyo Dagupan station manager Marvin Modelo (second from left) and reporter Edmund Abubo (third from left) visit Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez at the SP Session Hall right after Monday's regular session to coordinate and finalize the details for the holding of Dugong Bombo, a bloddletting project of Bombo Radyo Philippines and the Philippine National Red Cross, on November 5, 2005 at the atrium of CSI The City Mall. Also in photo are Gabriel Cardinoza, SP administrative officer, and Larry Munoz, SP technical consultant.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Rotary Club Cluster 2B meeting

The Rotary International District 3790 Cluster 2B holds its cluster meeting at the Inn Asia Hotel & Restaurant in Dagupan City with PNP Director General Arturo Lomibao as guest, but represented by Deputy Director General Virtus Gil. Cluster 2b consists of the Rotary Clubs of Dagupan, Dagupan East, Downtown Dagupan, Mangaldan '94, Calasiao, Uptown Dagupan 2000, and San Fabian. Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez, RC Dagupan president, played host during the meeting.

At the Sabado wake

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez also condoled with the family of retired teacher Fe Sabado, who was also an active officerr of the Malimgas-Aliguas Dagupan Vendors Federation.

At the Manaois wake

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez and City Councilor Dada Reyna condole with the family of the late Calixto Manaois in Bonuan.

VM Alvin wins championship trophy in shootfest

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez won the championship trophy in the LGU Ctegory of the 1st PSSupt Alan La Madrid Purisima Cup Invitational Shooting Competition at the PNP Firing Range in Lingayen. The vice mayor competed against other local government officials who participated in the event.

VMLP's last respect to VIce Mayor Ben Aquino

The Vice Mayors' League of the Philippines (VMLP) Pangasinan Chapter led by its president, Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez, pays its last respect to the late Sison Vice Mayor Ben Sison at his family residence in Sison, Pangasinan. The VMLP presented a plaque fromally expressing the vice mayors' heartfelt condolence to the grieving family of the late vice mayor. Vice Mayor Sison was a very active VMLP member having been always present in almost all VMLP activities.

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