Wednesday, July 27, 2005

The President’s Report

Our 34 regular members who attended last week’s regular meeting are heroes! Your presence, support and 100 percent attention to our Club meetings will surely make the RCD a vehicle that will make a difference in helping our communities. What a way to start the Rotary Year! Thank you very much to our GSE Representative RYAN RAVANZO for facilitating our first Team Building workshop. The members enjoyed every second of the games. It also made us learn more about ourselves and what we need to know to go on full steam as an organization. The games basically taught us to: 1. Know yourself; 2. Know your neighbor (Team Members); 3. Communicate THE GOAL; 4. COORDINATE for full understanding of what needs to be done; and 5. WORK TOGETHER. Everyone is part of the team. Each member has his own role to play. LET'S BRACE FOR HAPPINESS! HAPPINESS IS HELPING OTHERS. Before we invite speakers to our regular meetings, we must first set our goals and objectives and discuss these as a committee of the whole. This shall serve as our map on where OUR Club would want to go and what it wants to achieve this Rotary Year. We shall now COMMUNICATE our Goals for each Avenue of Service. ROTARY IS ALL ABOUT SERVICE above ourselves. First is CLUB SERVICE. RETENTION. We need to settle our annual membership dues to be able to have a reference for membership retention. So far, we have collected P23,000 out of the P90,801 needed for the 1st semester for members that we feel will be very active or simply willing to pay their annual dues for this Rotary Year. Membership retention will be based on July 2005 SAR, not RY 2004-2005. ATTENDANCE. We need 90 percent attendance of registered members. If we will be aiming for this, then we should discuss this in our next meeting on how we will treat members willing to pay but may not be able to attend regular meetings. NEW MEMBERS. So far, we have eight new members. DISTRICT AFFAIRS. We need a minimum of 10 members attending District Affairs. Members are encouraged to subscribe to the Philippine Rotary Magazine and if possible, register as lifetime members. Club Meetings are venues for fellowship and learning. Club Service Directors and members should attend the Membership Development Seminar on August 13, 2005 in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Second is COMMUNITY SERVICE. LITERACY. With almost 9,000 recipients of Vitamin A Patak from 16 schools, we certainly have helped in the enhancement of health that directly affects the children’s reading tools, which are the eyes of the students. The turnover of 16 computers to 16 schools made a great impact on the preparation of lesson plans, preparation of quizzes and on the record keeping of the faculty of each school. We will try to accomplish the turnover of 17 more computers to 17 schools. WATER PROJECT. Our pump donation, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Makati, to the elementary school in the island barrio of Salapingao will surely make a difference in the accessibility of water to teachers and students in their school. This serves as their second pump which services 500 students. OUTREACH PROJECTS. Thanks to all Rotarians who helped in our Tree Planting activity at the Lucao Elementary School. We planted five langka trees, 10 mango trees, and 10 mahogany trees. We will be doing a massive tree planting activity at the De Venecia Highway by planting at least 40 mango trees, 10 langka trees, and 50 umbrella trees. Just recently, we participated in the Persons With Disability Week, where the RCD helped in providing the meals for two days of all 178 PWD participants. RCD, together with Rotary Club of Makati, successfully dewormed 200 students in the island school of Salapingao. We are scheduled on August 20 to contribute to a mass blood donation coming from 200 donors from both Rotarians and volunteers, which shall be extracted by the Red Cross. Some projects were done together with the Inner Wheel, Rotaract and in one project, with the Soroptimist International. We SHALL still embark on District Projects. We want to make a difference. Rotary Community Corps. We are still pushing for the setting up of our RCC that shall be engaged in livelihood projects, particularly, a bakery cooperative project, to be financed through the RCD. This bakery shall be supplying the much needed pandesal we will be feeding to pinpointed elementary students for a period of three months to be paid by RCD through its partners and other volunteer donations from within, or sourced outside. Hopefully, we will be able to hit two birds with one stone: livelihood for our RCC and indirectly, literacy for the students to be fed. It was found through surveys that a 61 percent of absences in public elementary schools are caused by hunger. Our Community Service Director will be attending the RCC Seminar on September 24 in San Fernando, La Union together with at least 10 officers and members. Third is INTERNATIONAL SERVICE. Our club shall be remitting US$1,900 to The Rotary Foundation. Any additional volunteers for SPHF or PHF will be greatly welcomed by R.I. We have nominated Ryan Ravanzo to the GSE and he was successful in clinching a spot. Mabuhay ka Ryan! Our club is willing to host a GSE Inbound Team. Hopefully, if the district will be able to set up a Youth Exchange Program, our club would be more than happy to nominate a potential Youth Exchange representative and at the same time willing to host a Youth Exchange member. We have renewed our sisterhood with RC Makati. With PP Viven, we will also be renewing our sisterhood with the Rotary Club of Honju, Japan. We have made representations with Hawaii State Rep. Dennis Arakaki that we are interested to look for a Sister Club in Honolulu. Incidentally, a huge delegation of Hawaiian immigrants will be going to Dagupan City this December and January 2006 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Filipino Migrants to Hawaii. We are interested to arrange a WCS Project. We shall be getting all the requirements for the Rotary Scholarship Program. We have applied for matching grants and submitted it to Gov. Gerpy last February when he left for the United States. Fourth is VOCATIONAL SERVICE. We have established a Service Above Self marker at the De Venecia Highway. We have established Four Way Test markers at De Venecia Highway. WE SHALL BE GIVING VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE SEMINARS. We have given a talk in the informal class at Lucao Elementary School, but we doubt if this is considered a guidance seminar. We shall be formalizing our seminars for these purposes. Our potential graduates will have Vocational Awards for three Categories. a. Entrepreneur (club); b. Professional (club); and c. Vocational (community). Our Club will undertake a Vocational Training Seminar (Reflxology is being considered). Our Vocational Service director shall be part of our representatives to District Affairs. Fifth is YOUTH SERVICE. We are lucky to have an organized Rotaract Club already registered to R.I. Our Rotaract are active partners. They have joined us in our Vitamin A patak project, computer turnover, water pump donation and deworming projects, which we conducted in Salapingao together with our Inner Wheel and RC Makati. We have an existing Interact at Upang, thanks to PP Leon’s term. This Interact club shall be registered to R.I and shall be active partners in our youth projects, particularly in Literacy. Our Youth Service Director shall be attending the RYLA on Feb. 9 to 10 at Clark, together with our ROTARACTORS AND INTERACTORS. We shall be celebrating our World Rotaract-Interact Day with a Mass - Beach Clean Up - Coconut Tree Planting at the Beach - Lunch - Games - Poster Making interpreting the Beach Current Status to make them aware of the environment.


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