Thursday, July 28, 2005

Puerto Princesa City Tourism Council visit

Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez (second from left), City Administrator Rafael Baraan (center) and City Tourism Officer Dea Que (left) receive Ms. Felisa Cayabyab Torres (seated), a native of Barangay Bonuan, Dagupan City, who has migrated to Puerto Princesa City in Palawan. Ms. Torres is chairperson of the Puerto Princesa City Tourism Council. She is on a marketing mission to Dagupan City to promote Eco-Tourism of Palawan. With her are other members of the tourism council.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


Persons with disability (PWDs), all 178 of them from the provinces of Ifugao, La Union and Pangasinan, pose with Vice Mayor Alvin D. Fernandez during the celebration of the PWD Week in Dagupan City.

Test drive

Vice Mayor Alvin D. Fernandez (right) test drives the city government’s new state-of-the-art dredging machine, IMS Model 5012 Versi-Dredge, which arrived from the United States last July 12. Beside him is American Michael Young, who was sent by the company to train City Engineer’s Office personnel who will operate the dredger. Before its initial voyage, the dredger was blessed by Fr. Rojohn Ramirez.
Left photo shows the vice mayor presiding over the meeting of the City Disaster Coordinating Council in preparation for the onset of the rainy season.

The President’s Report

Our 34 regular members who attended last week’s regular meeting are heroes! Your presence, support and 100 percent attention to our Club meetings will surely make the RCD a vehicle that will make a difference in helping our communities. What a way to start the Rotary Year! Thank you very much to our GSE Representative RYAN RAVANZO for facilitating our first Team Building workshop. The members enjoyed every second of the games. It also made us learn more about ourselves and what we need to know to go on full steam as an organization. The games basically taught us to: 1. Know yourself; 2. Know your neighbor (Team Members); 3. Communicate THE GOAL; 4. COORDINATE for full understanding of what needs to be done; and 5. WORK TOGETHER. Everyone is part of the team. Each member has his own role to play. LET'S BRACE FOR HAPPINESS! HAPPINESS IS HELPING OTHERS. Before we invite speakers to our regular meetings, we must first set our goals and objectives and discuss these as a committee of the whole. This shall serve as our map on where OUR Club would want to go and what it wants to achieve this Rotary Year. We shall now COMMUNICATE our Goals for each Avenue of Service. ROTARY IS ALL ABOUT SERVICE above ourselves. First is CLUB SERVICE. RETENTION. We need to settle our annual membership dues to be able to have a reference for membership retention. So far, we have collected P23,000 out of the P90,801 needed for the 1st semester for members that we feel will be very active or simply willing to pay their annual dues for this Rotary Year. Membership retention will be based on July 2005 SAR, not RY 2004-2005. ATTENDANCE. We need 90 percent attendance of registered members. If we will be aiming for this, then we should discuss this in our next meeting on how we will treat members willing to pay but may not be able to attend regular meetings. NEW MEMBERS. So far, we have eight new members. DISTRICT AFFAIRS. We need a minimum of 10 members attending District Affairs. Members are encouraged to subscribe to the Philippine Rotary Magazine and if possible, register as lifetime members. Club Meetings are venues for fellowship and learning. Club Service Directors and members should attend the Membership Development Seminar on August 13, 2005 in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. Second is COMMUNITY SERVICE. LITERACY. With almost 9,000 recipients of Vitamin A Patak from 16 schools, we certainly have helped in the enhancement of health that directly affects the children’s reading tools, which are the eyes of the students. The turnover of 16 computers to 16 schools made a great impact on the preparation of lesson plans, preparation of quizzes and on the record keeping of the faculty of each school. We will try to accomplish the turnover of 17 more computers to 17 schools. WATER PROJECT. Our pump donation, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Makati, to the elementary school in the island barrio of Salapingao will surely make a difference in the accessibility of water to teachers and students in their school. This serves as their second pump which services 500 students. OUTREACH PROJECTS. Thanks to all Rotarians who helped in our Tree Planting activity at the Lucao Elementary School. We planted five langka trees, 10 mango trees, and 10 mahogany trees. We will be doing a massive tree planting activity at the De Venecia Highway by planting at least 40 mango trees, 10 langka trees, and 50 umbrella trees. Just recently, we participated in the Persons With Disability Week, where the RCD helped in providing the meals for two days of all 178 PWD participants. RCD, together with Rotary Club of Makati, successfully dewormed 200 students in the island school of Salapingao. We are scheduled on August 20 to contribute to a mass blood donation coming from 200 donors from both Rotarians and volunteers, which shall be extracted by the Red Cross. Some projects were done together with the Inner Wheel, Rotaract and in one project, with the Soroptimist International. We SHALL still embark on District Projects. We want to make a difference. Rotary Community Corps. We are still pushing for the setting up of our RCC that shall be engaged in livelihood projects, particularly, a bakery cooperative project, to be financed through the RCD. This bakery shall be supplying the much needed pandesal we will be feeding to pinpointed elementary students for a period of three months to be paid by RCD through its partners and other volunteer donations from within, or sourced outside. Hopefully, we will be able to hit two birds with one stone: livelihood for our RCC and indirectly, literacy for the students to be fed. It was found through surveys that a 61 percent of absences in public elementary schools are caused by hunger. Our Community Service Director will be attending the RCC Seminar on September 24 in San Fernando, La Union together with at least 10 officers and members. Third is INTERNATIONAL SERVICE. Our club shall be remitting US$1,900 to The Rotary Foundation. Any additional volunteers for SPHF or PHF will be greatly welcomed by R.I. We have nominated Ryan Ravanzo to the GSE and he was successful in clinching a spot. Mabuhay ka Ryan! Our club is willing to host a GSE Inbound Team. Hopefully, if the district will be able to set up a Youth Exchange Program, our club would be more than happy to nominate a potential Youth Exchange representative and at the same time willing to host a Youth Exchange member. We have renewed our sisterhood with RC Makati. With PP Viven, we will also be renewing our sisterhood with the Rotary Club of Honju, Japan. We have made representations with Hawaii State Rep. Dennis Arakaki that we are interested to look for a Sister Club in Honolulu. Incidentally, a huge delegation of Hawaiian immigrants will be going to Dagupan City this December and January 2006 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Filipino Migrants to Hawaii. We are interested to arrange a WCS Project. We shall be getting all the requirements for the Rotary Scholarship Program. We have applied for matching grants and submitted it to Gov. Gerpy last February when he left for the United States. Fourth is VOCATIONAL SERVICE. We have established a Service Above Self marker at the De Venecia Highway. We have established Four Way Test markers at De Venecia Highway. WE SHALL BE GIVING VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE SEMINARS. We have given a talk in the informal class at Lucao Elementary School, but we doubt if this is considered a guidance seminar. We shall be formalizing our seminars for these purposes. Our potential graduates will have Vocational Awards for three Categories. a. Entrepreneur (club); b. Professional (club); and c. Vocational (community). Our Club will undertake a Vocational Training Seminar (Reflxology is being considered). Our Vocational Service director shall be part of our representatives to District Affairs. Fifth is YOUTH SERVICE. We are lucky to have an organized Rotaract Club already registered to R.I. Our Rotaract are active partners. They have joined us in our Vitamin A patak project, computer turnover, water pump donation and deworming projects, which we conducted in Salapingao together with our Inner Wheel and RC Makati. We have an existing Interact at Upang, thanks to PP Leon’s term. This Interact club shall be registered to R.I and shall be active partners in our youth projects, particularly in Literacy. Our Youth Service Director shall be attending the RYLA on Feb. 9 to 10 at Clark, together with our ROTARACTORS AND INTERACTORS. We shall be celebrating our World Rotaract-Interact Day with a Mass - Beach Clean Up - Coconut Tree Planting at the Beach - Lunch - Games - Poster Making interpreting the Beach Current Status to make them aware of the environment.

VM Fernandez Cup blasts off July 30

The two-day 2nd Vice Mayor Alvin D. Fernandez Cup shooting competition will blast off on July 30 at the Don Pedro Balingit Firing Range in Barangay Bonuan Binloc here. Dozens of practical shooters from the different parts of the province are expected to participate in the five-handgun-stage 146-rounds matches consisting of 14 categories. The competition is sanctioned by the Philippine Practical Shooters Association and is being supported by the Dagupan Practical Shooting Association. The handgun matches will consist of the open, modified, standard, production, single stack and revolver divisions. The categories will be: junior open, senior open, senior standard, senior modified, senior production, lady open, lady production, lawman standard, lawman production, LGU, RO open, RO modified, RO standard, and RO production. Match officials will be Louie Zareno, match director; Christian Yap, range master; Rob Erfe-Mejia, range warden; and Vicky Macanas, statistics officer.

Thursday, July 21, 2005


The second regular meeting of the Rotary Club of Dagupan was a great success! There were 28 members who attended with all of them giving either partial or full payment for the required annual dues. The prompt payment is necessary for a Rotarian to be considered as Outstanding Member. Mabuhay Rotarians! Welcome back Rtns. Marcel, Audie and Mitch. Welcome to the Rotary Club of Dagupan Rtns. August Sarmiento and Poly Cayabyab. You made the right choice. We will be making a difference! Bestseller that night was our whole lechon bakang bulalo. The combination of smoke-flavored and roasted beef really made a distinct flavor to our special bulalo. The yummy lechon was not spared (nap nap sarado). Bestsellers also were the special recipes of Pres Alvin, bagis and spicy bean sprouts. The Korean beef specially made for the night was also a hit! Super busog, super sarrrap. Wow! Sarap maging Rotarian! Having done that, we should now all brace back to focusing our energy and resources to projects that will be immediately felt by the community. Next week will be Persons With Disability Week. Why don't we organize an RCC that shall employ PWDs in the creation of art works where Rotarians are the captive market of our adopted PWDs, or simply continue the on-going program offering reflexology courses to blind people? We would like to remind our Rotarians interested in shooting to join our Fun Shoot on July29 at the Don Pedro Balingit Firing Range in Bonuan. Congratulations to Dir. Joey for spearheading the Blood Donation Project of RCD. Dir. Joey will make his report in this week’s meeting. Once again, we would like to acknowledge the brilliant work of our Presidential Adviser Eddie Crisologo for our Special Bulletin. Ang GALING mo, Sir! Congratulations to our Sustaining Paul Harris Fellows, namely: VP/PE Jess Romero, Dir. Jorge Perreras, Dir. Albert Manuyag, Dir. Arnel Dimasuay, Dir. Joey Boy Tamayo, ATreas. Argie Esguerra, Aud. Lino Fernandez, Aud. Danny de Sola, SAA Jessie Doria, PRO Manny Palaganas and this corner.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Pangasinan vice mayors affirm support to GMA

The Vice Mayors League of the Philippines (VMLP) Pangasinan Chapter has affirmed its continued support and respect to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as duly elected President of the country. In a resolution, the Pangasinan vice mayors also endorsed the resolution of the Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), which condemned “in the strongest possible terms” all forms of extra-constitutional and extra-legal moves to effect changes in government. ULAP, the umbrella organization of all local government leagues in the country, also called on all sectors of society for sobriety and maintain full confidence in the country’s democratic institutions and all duly constituted authorities. Vice Mayor Alvin Fernandez, VMLP Pangasinan Chapter president and national executive vice president, said that his group favorably endorsed the ULAP resolution because it is one of the effective measures to prevent any untoward move to destabilize the existing legitimate government, “not to mention strengthening the people’s faith in the rule of the law and the constitutional process.” “It is really unfortunate that some negative forces are spreading intrigues and disinformation regarding the legitimacy of the present administration,” Fernandez said. “It is very clear that there are some forces that are apparently planning to stage a power grab against the highest office of the land, which is not in conformity with the highest law of the land thereby undermining the sovereign will of the Filipino People,” he added. The Pangasinan vice mayors also called on foreign and local investors to keep calm and support the economy by keeping the prices of commodities stable. “The buying public became more conscious and worried of the economic instability due to various plots by unwanted members of the destabilizing groups,” the VMLP resolution said. Earlier, the Sangguniang Panlungsod here, where Fernandez is presiding officer, also passed a resolution affirming its continued support and loyalty to President Arroyo. The SP also endorsed the ULAP resolution.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Thank you for the night

I cannot thank enough the people who helped make Saturday night’s affair a resounding success. Without them (and, certainly, they are many), the Club’s 67th Induction Ceremonies would not have been well-organized and well-attended as it was. I am especially grateful to the Club’s membership for sharing their time, effort and resources and for extending their cooperation and unity. Thank you for being very good team players. This goes, too, to PP/Sec Edwin Aguirre, Dir. Arnel Dimasuay, VP/PE Jess Romero, PP Leon Palaganas, and Treas Jad Damaso who were at the People’s Astrodome till the 11th hour to see to it that everything was in their proper places for the occasion as planned. Adding prestige and glitter to the occasion, of course, was the presence of DG Gerpy Erguiza, whose insights as guest of honor and speaker, inspired everyone in attendance that night to serve more. We are likewise thankful to PDG Vitt Gutierrez, who inducted the RCD Foundation officers; and to IPDG Jaypee Cadasing, who inducted the Council of Presidents and PDG Jess Lindayag who charged the officers and Board of Directors. There were about 44 clubs and four Inner Wheel clubs in attendance that night, including our brother club, the Rotary Club of Makati, which was represented by Pres. Sonny Tambunting, PP Robert Kuan, Sec. Gerry Garcia and Treas. Dayal. Officers and members of the Soroptimist International were also present that night. And if the reception and registration of guests was orderly, it was because of the Rotaract. The welcome music was provided by the Dagupan City National High School Rondalla. Thank you very much, too, to Larry Munoz for the sleepless nights just to produce the smash hit multimedia presentation. Then, of course, we thank the Inner Wheel Club of Dagupan for their help. Thank you, too, to the Sangguniang Panlungsod staff for staying until after the program to help. What came as a pleasant surprise that evening was the Vice Mayors League of the Philippines Pangasinan Chapter’s resolution supporting this corner’s presidency. Thank you very much. We also acknowledge the CSI Group of Companies for providing the necessary materials to make the induction venue classy and glamorous for the affair. And, thank you, too, to the following for their donations: Commissioner Al Fernandez, 4 lechon Cebu, 1 case Black Label and cash; Transportation Assistant Secretary Bebot Villar, 4 lechon and 5 cases Fundador; Councilor Pacoy Torio, 2 lechon; BM Danny Uy, 1 lechon; Ramon Reyna, 1 lechon; Digitel, 1 lechon; Jo Lo, 1 lechon baka; Mayor Benjie Lim, 1lechon baka; San Miguel Corporation, 20 cases Super Dry; Jessie Doria, Lino Fernandez and Danny Desola, 75 packs of Kilawing Bangus; Agua Vida, 10 containers of water; Met Gavino, Iligan mani; VM Henry Dy, 21 liters Franzia Red Wine; Mama Mina, MDCAC c/o Nora Siapno, rondalla; and Kerwin Fernandez, USATV coverage. For the bottles, we would like also to thank the following: PP Leon Palaganas, Jr.-- 3 bots Alfonso; PRO Manny Palaganas -- 2 bots Alfonso; PP Mon Gutierez -- 1 bot RW; VP/PE Jess Romero -- 2 bots Fundador/Tres Cepas; Dir. Jorge Perreras -- 3 bots Tres Cepas, PP Ding Halili -- 2 bots Fundador; Rtn. Jerry Tulfo -- 1 bot Fundador; PP Robert Erfe-Mejia -- 1 bot 1.75L Fundador; ASEC Vic Patawaran -- 1 bot Carlos I; PP Viven Villaflor, Jr. – 6 bots RW; Dir. Rudy Ramos -- 2 bots RW; PRO Libb Aficial -- 2 bots RW; PT August Sim -- 1 bot Fabuloso; Dir. Albert Manuyag -- 1 bot Alfonso, 1 bot RW; PRO Al Llanos -- 1 bot Fondador, PRO Ted Abalos -- 2 bots Barcelona and PP/Sec Edwin Aguirre -- 4 bots Bardinet; Pres. Ruben Jose of RCCP -- 1 Box Jinro white wine. I added 2 cases of Alfonso. Finally, to my family, Katherine, Katrina, Anton and Lucky; my father Al, Mama Mina, Daddy Toti, Lola Meding and Lolo Totong, thank you for your full support. I am especially grateful to my wife Katherine for the overall planning and coordination work. Truly, behind the success of a man is a woman and a simple “Thank you” is simply not enough for her effort.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Finding fulfillment

This corner wishes to sincerely thank the active membership who participated in our Club’s opening salvo, where we gave Vitamin A supplement to approximately 8,300 pre-school and Grade 1 pupils and distributed computers to 13 public elementary schools. In the coming weeks, we hope to see more members joining as we embark on a massive de-worming activity in the different barangays of the city. We learned that 80 percent of the present malnutrition cases have been caused by parasitism. We likewise thank Auditors Lino Fernandez and Danny Desola for graciously hosting a sumptuous lunch during the project launch. This also goes to Sgt.-at-arms Jessie Doria, who also unselfishly tendered another sumptuous lunch after the Vitamin A Patak distribution in his area. Of course, many thanks, too, to my ever supportive family – my wife, Katherine and children, Katrina, Anton and Lucky – for their full support to our projects. The vigorous participation of PP/Sec. Edwin Aguirre, Dir. Joey Tamayo, VP/PE Jessie Romero, CS1 Jorge Perreras, PRO Lito Aficial, PP/PO Leon Palaganas, Asst. Sec. Vic Patawaran, Aud. Danny Sison, Sgt.-at-arms Joy Ramos, PP/PO Robert Erfe-Mejia, Sgt.-at-arms Marcel Novales, VS Arnel Dimasuay, Jerry Tulfo, Joseph Barrozo, CS Rudy Ramos, Treas. Jad Damaso and August Sim have been also noted. And, of course, we are grateful to the effort of the Inner Wheel Club of Dagupan through Precy Nava, my wife, Katherine; the Soroptimist International, with my Mom Mina, Sally Gutierrez and Ellen Callanta. It is indeed heartwarming to see many people like you rallying behind a noble cause. Your support and participation continue to fuel our Club to keep it in tip-top shape in delivering goods and services to make a difference in the life of every people that the Rotary touches. In giving and sharing we always find fulfillment.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Inaugural speech

(Inaugural speech of President Alvin D. Fernandez on the 67th Induction Ceremonies of the Rotary Club of Dagupan, July 9,2005, Don Alipio Fernandez, Sr. Peoples Astrodome. ) Governor Gerpy, dignitaries in the presidential table, ladies and gentlemen, a wonderful, wonderful evening. Rotary is about making a difference. I would like to thank my wife Katherine, my children Princess Katrina, look-alike Anton, Baby Lucky, Father, Mother, Father-in-law, Lolo Totong, Lola Meding, for being very supportive. As the Godfather aptly stated, even with all the success in life, without your family, you are nothing! Thank you, family, for supporting me. I would like to thank all the people who have supported and made this night successful and are making my servanthood in Rotary a fulfillment. I would like to thank God Almighty for giving me the opportunity to serve, the resources to share, the talent and skill to pull and lead, the time to live life to the fullest to love. And most of all, Rotarians who are willing to spend their time, talent and treasure to serve without asking or expecting anything in return, but the reward of just having done good to the community. One year to lead, one year to be a servant leader of Rotary. Let is make the most of what God has given for His greater glory. For we live to love, and love is helping other people, love is giving, love is sharing, love is caring. Of the things we say, think or do, let it be the Rotary way: Service above self. Let us make a difference! Let’s just do it!!!

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